One of the first things you do once you are engaged is create a Guest List. These are some of the most near and dear people to you; however, some of them might not be that near in distance and might need to travel. Setting up room accomodations is necessary and is such a nice gesture for your guests, but also it is virtually always free to do so, even better!
First, you must contact a Hotel or a NOCO Wep Professional to help assist you with creating the Wedding Room Blocks.
There are two ways to set up a Wedding Room Block. The most popular is a Courtesy Block, in which the Hotel will block up to a certain amount of rooms per night without any financial obligation on your end to fill these rooms. The rooms are blocked at an Exclusive Price, which is typically a better rate than if it was outside the block. When your guests call to make their reservations, the block will be under the Bride and Groom’s Last Name. It is such a seamless way for guests to make their reservations and to take care of them as well.
Another way to set up a Wedding Room Block is to set it up with attrition. This would be a desireable way to set it up if you need more than what the courtesy block will allow you to set up. For instance, 50 Rooms for your Wedding Night. Setting aside 50 Rooms with attrition would give you the peace of mind that you have enough rooms for your guests to stay; however, these rooms would need to be held with a Credit Card and you would be responsible to fill a certain amount of the rooms. Some Bride’s and Grooms find this can be unsettling to have the financial obligation on themselve and some find this the best way to ensure that their several out of town guests have a room to stay in.
Both are wonderful options and ones that your guests appreciate.
It is recommended to set up more than one Wedding Room Block, it is nice to give your guests options, plus each guest will have a certain ideal price range or sleeping arrangement that they would prefer while on vacation.
Taking care of your guests is an important piece to your Wedding. Going out of your way to set up accomodations is a nice touch for those traveling. Make your guests feel important, by doing a little work to set up a wedding room block. It goes a long way and it is so easy!